June 18, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.” Matt. 6:19-20
Where do we store our treasures or what kind of treasure do we work for today? We know what earthly treasures are. There are treasures we can see and touch. The car, house, dress and all the other creature comforts money can buy. Compare to the vague and elusive heavenly treasure, these things seem so real and attractive especially when someone we know have them and we long for money to have them too.
Jesus warns us against earthly treasures in our gospel reference today because even when the seem to make us happy there are temporary and short-sighted. As Christians we are destined for eternity and the treasures of this world are not. It is unimaginative to set our hearts on things that will fade away.
Jesus tells us that what will last is the treasures of heaven. These treasures are worth seeking because they are the only thing that will truly satisfy and last forever. The heavenly treasures Jesus promised has two aspects.
First there are the rewards waiting for us at the end of time. These are the recompense we will receive for every act of love and obedience to Jesus, the reward of every cup of water we give to the thirsty, every kind word spoken and every sinful thought brought captive to Jesus or every moment we submit to his will.
The second aspect of heavenly treasure is what we can experience here and now. For Christians who have submitted everything to Jesus, life on earth is filled with glimpses of heaven: freedom from crushing guilt, power over persistent sin, a dynamic and personal relationship with God, clarity of purpose of living, a deep friendship with fellow Christians, conviction of the truth, ability to forgive and clarity of right and wrong.
Reflect, today, upon the most fundamental treasures you seek in life. Doing so will require a considerable amount of interior reflection and honesty. It will require that you sort through the many things that motivate you and the decisions you make each day. Reflect upon the primary purpose of your life, which must be to give God the greatest glory possible by the kind of treasures you seek. Do all your daily actions align with earthly treasures or heavenly treasures? Commit yourself to the holy work of examining the treasures that you seek in life.
God of all glory, You and You alone are worthy of all my praise. Help me to focus on the thing that matter most in life, the heavenly treasures that last for eternity. Give me the spiritual insight I need to look deeply at all that motivates me and all my most interior intentions in life. May all my intentions and all my actions have as their goal the heavenly treasures. Jesus, I trust in You.