January 28, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing is secret except to come to light.” Mark 4:22
It is presumed that light is always welcomed. Especially when it is dark, light will give some comfort and security. That is why Jesus said in the gospel that a lamp is not to be put under a tub or under the bed. The lighted lamp is to be put on a lamp stand so that its light can shine for all to see.
But is light always welcomed? When people are fast asleep in a darkened room, and when the light is suddenly switched on, it can be a rather rude awakening. Or even when a bright torchlight is shone on people in a dark corner, they will immediately shield their eyes from the light. Under the light, nothing is hidden, and all is disclosed, and nothing is kept secret. But the question is do people want to see what the light reveals. Would they shield their eyes from the light, or even turn rude and hostile towards the light?
The light of God always shines, but it shines with love. People will slowly open their eyes to the truth when there is love. Jesus in asking his disciples whether a light ought to be placed under a basket rather than on a lamp stand, introduced a fundamental fact that nothing is hidden except to be made visible.
Our gospel reference today reveals the fact that there is nothing hidden from God. He sees everything. He knows everything, even the most intimate thoughts we have in our minds. If God sees and knows everything, He will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.
Sometimes we think we can get away with our evil thought, plans, words and actions. God will however expose all of them. There is no hiding place when it comes to God. If every action of our lives, both good and bad, will be made manifest for all to see at the Last Judgment, then this will result in one thing and one thing alone for those who are in Heaven: the glory of God and much rejoicing! In other words, if God reveals every sin we have committed, then He will also reveal our repentance from those sins, the purification we endured, and the forgiveness we received.
Therefore, those who make up the Communion of Saints will not look upon us with judgment; rather, they will glorify God in the same way we glorify God and thank Him for His abundant mercy and forgiveness. We must always remember His forgiveness and continually rejoice in that fact. Therefore, if all truly is made manifest, then it will be so that we can all rejoice together in the incredible mercy of God and can look at each other with gratitude for all that God had done for the other.
Reflect, today, upon the possibility of that glorious moment. Imagine the freedom you will experience by allowing God to share the deepest sins and the deepest virtues of your life with all who share Heaven with you. Shame will be gone. Judgment will be gone. Rejoicing and gratitude alone will remain. What a glorious moment that will be!
My glorious Judge, I thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness in my life. I thank You for freeing me from all sin. Please continue to purify my soul and free me from even the attachment to all sin. May I never forget all that You have done for me and may Your mercy become the cause of my eternal rejoicing and Your eternal glory. Jesus, I trust in You.