March 14, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16
Throughout history, the human person has had a tendency to choose what is the easier, but not necessarily the better path. The easier path often leads away from God and into the darkness of sin. Christ’s way is the way of light. We are called to be his disciples, to let go of preferences and actions which keep us in the dark, and to take the path which leads to truth and goodness.
Our gospel reference today forms part of Jesus response to Nicodemus, who had come to seek Jesus at night. This is one of the most famous Bible passages. This passage is not only about God’s love for us, but also about the love we must have for God and extend this love to others. This short gospel passage gives us a clear summary of the entire Gospel. There are four basic truths that we can take from this Scripture. Let us look at each of them in a brief way.
First, it is made clear that God loves us. We know this, but we will never fully comprehend the depth of this truth. God loves us with a profound and perfect love. It’s a love that is deeper than anything else we could ever experience in life. His love is perfect beyond our understanding.
Second, God’s love was made manifest by the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. It is a profound act of love for God to give us His Son Jesus. Jesus meant everything to God, and the gift of Jesus to us means that God gave us everything. He gave His very life to us in the Person of Jesus.
Third, the only appropriate response we can make to such a gift is faith. We must believe in the transforming power of accepting Jesus into our lives. We must see the gift of Jesus to us as a gift that gives us all we need. We must accept Jesus into our lives by believing in His origin and mission.
Fourth, the result of receiving Jesus and giving our lives in return is that we are saved. This implies we will not perish in our sin; rather, we will be given eternal life. There is no other way to salvation than through Jesus. So, we must know, believe, accept and embrace this truth.
Reflect, today, upon this summary of the entire Gospel. Read it over and over and memorize it. Savor every word and know that in embracing this short passage of Scripture, you are embracing the entire truth of God.
Father in Heaven, I thank You for the perfect gift of Christ Jesus, Your Son. By giving Jesus to us, You give us Your very Heart and Soul. May I be open to You more fully and to the perfect gift of Jesus in my life. I believe in You, my God. Please increase my faith and love. Jesus, I trust in You.