August 7, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Then the disciples approached Jesus in private and said, “Why could we not d rive it out?” He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matt. 17: 19-20.
The account of the possessed boy and his father approaching Jesus for healing took place after the disciples had been traveling with Jesus for some time. The disciples would have been seen by people as men touched by God hence the father of the possessed boy approached them for healing.
The disciples were unable to heal the boy. This was a great disappointment on both the part of the disciples and the father of the boy. Jesus saw the true spiritual state of the disciples. He knew despite the outward appearances; their faith was very fragile. Their doubt prevented them from performing the deed that would show the glory of God.
In our gospel reference today, the disciples approached Jesus to ask why they were unable to heal the boy. Jesus stated the power of faith to cure the sick and move mountains. The fact that the disciples approached to asked why their prayer failed proved that they want to grow.
Jesus responded by encouraging them and clearly stating the power of faith in doing the work of God that will glorify Him. Jesus speaks to them and assure them that they must listen, understand, and believe all that He says.
Jesus also speaks about faith needed to move mountain. This was way of speaking in a deeper way about the power of faith in the life of a believer. Moving mountains as stated by Jesus happens on a figurative and spiritual level all the time. Any time God works in our lives in a supernatural way, or any time God uses us to work in another’s life in a supernatural way, much more than a “mountain” is moved.
From an eternal perspective, what is more glorious and what gives God greater glory? To literally move a mountain? Or to be changed by grace and to be interiorly transformed by God so as to give Him eternal glory? And what is more impressive? To be able to defy the laws of physics in a way that comes and goes in an instant, or to be used to change someone’s soul for eternity? Without question, being used by God to bring transformation to another’s soul for eternity is of infinitely greater magnitude.
Reflect, today, upon the importance of listening to the Voice of God and responding with complete obedience and love. This is faith. What “mountain” does God want to move in your life? What transformation does He want to perform? Listen to Him and believe with every fiber of your being. As you do, God will not only do unimaginable things in your life, but through you, He will do unimaginable things in the lives of others.
Lord, You have done incredible things in the lives of so many. You have transformed souls and recreated them in Your mercy. Please bestow upon me the gift of faith so that I will hear Your Voice and respond with the utmost generosity and belief. Use me, dear Lord, to also become an instrument of Your unimaginable grace in the lives of others. Jesus, I trust in You.