Fr. Andrew Chioma Ibegbulem, OSA is an Augustinian Priest of the Province of St. Augustine of Nigeria. He was ordained to the priesthood after his final religious profession and upon completion of his Philosophy and theology degrees on July 3, 2004. Fr. Andrew has been involved in parish apostolate as associate pastor, treasurer, youth chaplain, vocation director, spiritual director and pastor. In addition, he was the National Coordinator of the Augustinian Associate and was responsible for fund raising in Nigeria for the training of Augustinian friars in formation.
Fr. Andrew received his master’s degree in 2016 in counseling in clinical mental health from Villanova University in Pennsylvania. He had practiced as an intern with Siloam and Eagleville Hospital in Philadelphia. Fr. Andrew is passionate about the Word of God, a good listener, loves good music. He is presently on Mission in the Archdiocese of San Francisco at Shipwreck.