July 18, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mk. 6:13
In our gospel reference today, Jesus lovingly invites the apostles to a deserted place for some rest. He had sent them on mission to spread the message of the kingdom. They returned with testimonies on how God had used them in spreading the message of the Kingdom. Jesus realizing how tired and exhausted they were demanded that they go to a deserted place to rest.
This invitation of Jesus is what we need to hear more today. This invitation is what many may find hard to accept from Jesus. But take it as a direct invitation offered to you from our Lord. Hear Him call you by your name saying, “please come away by yourself to a deserted place and rest for a while.”
There is something very healing and helpful that comes from silence and moments of solitude. There is something about silence and solitude that enables us to get refocused. We live a very busy life and often overwhelmed by busyness. “Busyness” is often a way for the evil one to wear us down and get us off track. It keeps us from the gentle, clear and refreshing voice of God. So how is it that God is inviting you to come away by yourself and rest?
At the heart of this invitation is a longing in Jesus’ heart that we rest from those burdens which weigh us down unnecessarily. It’s true that there are many good things God calls us to do that can exhaust us. But this “holy exhaustion” is not a bad thing. In fact, being “exhausted” by the will of God actually deepens our faith and fills us with joy. And that joy lightens our burden.
The main reason for our need to “come away” and “rest” is that there are many things in life that are not part of God’s will. These are burdens we impose upon ourselves unnecessarily. These burdens, more than anything else, are what we need to rest from.
Coming away, alone, with Jesus, is a way of getting refocused and clearing out the clutter of life. It’s a way of escaping from our impulses and habits that draw us away from the joyful will of God. So think about this invitation. Think about it practically. Can you find at least ten minutes today to go find silence so as to rest in the arms of Jesus?
Reflect, today, upon how ready and willing you are to accept the invitation from Jesus to come and rest with and in Him. Commit yourself to doing just that. Make the choice, today, to find time to be alone. From that time of solitude, seek the still, small and silent voice of God. Let the quiet and the peace of God’s presence bring clarity and focus to your busy life.
Lord, help me to hear You call me to a time of rest and peace. Help me to seek You and to accept Your gentle invitation. Help us to worship you, one God in three persons, You reveal yourself in the depths of our being, give us the grace to listen to you in the silence of our hearts as we speak to us. Jesus, I trust in You.