February 28, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Mark 9:2–3
Our gospel reference today speaks of the transfiguration of our Lord in the presence of Peter, James and John. The transfiguration of Jesus took place 6days after he had announced to his disciples that the “Son of Man must suffer greatly … and be killed and rise after three days”. He had told them that those who will be his disciple should take up their cross and follow him.
The transfiguration was a foretaste of that experience of glory. The experience on the mountain thus point to the future by displaying the glory that Jesus already had, as the Son of God. Although Jesus must suffer and die, his glorification is assured. It was also meant to encourage Jesus to accept the passion and death. This experience of the transfiguration, assured Jesus of the Father’s constant love. It also made him aware that through his suffering and death he will give life to the world.
Peter, James and John, who were witnesses saw the clothes of Jesus became dazzling white. They were overwhelmed by what they saw that Peter in a state of confusion, suggested to have three tents set up. “He hardly knew what to say”. Just as the light of God enfolded the disciple at the transfiguration, so does it enfold us today with the warmth of being loved by God
Though we are not privileged to witness the image of His glory as these three Apostles were, their experience of this glory is given to us to ponder so that we will also receive the benefit of their experience. Since the glory and splendor of Christ is not just physical but also essentially a spiritual reality, He can give us a glimpse of His glory also.
At times in life, Jesus will give us His consolation and instill within us a clear sense of Who He is. He will reveal to us through prayer a sense of Who He is, especially when we make the radical choice to follow Him without reserve. And though this may not be a daily experience, if you have ever received this gift by faith, then remind yourself of it when things get difficult in life.
Reflect, today, upon Jesus as He is now fully radiating His glory in Heaven. Recall that image whenever you find yourself tempted in life toward despair or doubt, or when you sense that Jesus simply wants too much of you. Remind yourself of Who Jesus truly is. Try to imagine what these Apostles saw and experienced. Allow their experience to become yours also, so that you will be able to daily make the choice to follow our Lord wherever He leads.
My transfigured Lord, You are truly glorious in a way that is beyond my comprehension. Your glory and splendor are beyond what my imagination can ever comprehend. Help me to always keep the eyes of my heart upon You and to allow the image of Your Transfiguration to strengthen me when I’m tempted to despair. I love You, my Lord, and place all my hope in You. Jesus, I trust in You.