October 2, 2020
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Matthew 18:10
Today we honor our glorious Guardian Angels! They are treasures and helpers beyond what we could imagine.
A few days ago we honored the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In that reflection we looked at the hierarchy of celestial beings created by God. Though the Guardian Angels are on the bottom of that list, they are no less glorious and magnificent than the host of other celestial beings.
Guardian Angels are traditionally said to have been created for the sole purpose of serving us in our needs. Yes, God could have chosen to care for us directly without the use of angels, but He didn’t. He chose to create angels as mediators of His grace and care.
Our Guardian Angels shed light upon the path that we must walk. When our struggles each day seem too great, they extend a ray of hope down upon us from God. They allow us to see the face of Our Crucified and Risen Lord, who having shared in our suffering helps us share in His Resurrection, even in the midst of suffering.
Our Guardian Angels guard us from the snares of our enemies. As the Devil tries time and again to convince us that his way—easier and broader than God’s—is the way that will bring us happiness, our guardians remind us that the Way of the Cross is the only path to the Father.
Our Guardian Angels rule us as we slip from the narrow path. As we fall prey to the temptations of the Devil, our guardians do not abandon us. Sharing in the boundless love of our Savior, they do not fail to stand by us even then. They convince us, as they nurse our consciences back to health, that the Cross is the only true remedy for our constant falling away from God.
Our Guardian Angels guide us by bidding us to share in the sacraments of the Church. For all their power, our guardians entrust us to the care of Holy Mother Church, since in her care we most truly belong. For the Church is their Mother, too. All the angels are fellow members of the Church, and as the Church’s children we imitate the words of Jesus when like little children we recognize and thank those who are our guardians.
It’s fair to say that our Guardian Angels love us with a perfect love. They know us, care for us and desire deeply that we become holy. Their primary purpose is to get us to Heaven and to draw us into the heights of sanctity. How do they do this?
They do it by mediating God’s grace to us. The word “angel” means messenger. Thus, our angels play a central role in communicating to us the will and mind of God. They can speak all that God wants to say to us. They are also protectors in that they bring grace from God to particular situations in life to fight against evil and to help us do good.
Reflect, today, upon the gift of your own guardian angel. This celestial being was created for the sole purpose of caring for you and getting you to Heaven. Speak to your angel, today. Rely upon your angel’s intercession and allow this holy angel to communicate to you God’s abundant grace.
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Angels of God, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.