January 1, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. Luke 2:19
Happy New Year! Our Christmas Octave would not be complete without paying special attention to the glorious Mother of God! Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of the Savior of the World, is properly called the “Mother of God.” It is worth reflecting upon this powerful title of our Blessed Mother. And it’s important to understand that this title says just as much about Jesus as it does about His Blessed Mother.
Today January 1st we celebrate Mary as the Mother of God “Theotokos”. The word “Theotokos” is a Greek word that means God- bearer. This was the first and most important Marian dogma from which all her other roles and honors flows. This dogma proclaims that Mary is true mother of Jesus Christ who is God the Son made man. The Title “Mother of God” was confirmed at the council of Ephesus in 431.
In calling Mary the “Mother of God,” we especially acknowledge one fact of human life. A mother is not just the source of one’s flesh, she is not just the mother of the body of her children, she is the mother of that person. Being a mother is not just something biological, it is something sacred and holy and is part of the divine order of God’s creation. Jesus was her Child and this Child is God. Therefore, it is proper logic to call Mary the “Mother of God.”
It’s an amazing fact to think about. God has a mother! He has a particular person who carried Him in her womb, nursed Him, raised Him, taught Him, loved Him, was there for Him, and pondered who He was throughout His life. This last fact is especially beautiful to look at.
The Gospel passage above says, “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” And she did this as a caring mother. Her love for Jesus was as unique as the love of any mother. However, it should be noted that she was a mother in perfection and loved Him with a perfect love, He who was not only her Son, but was also God and was perfect in every way. What does this reveal?
It reveals that the motherly love shared between Mary and Jesus was profound, inspiring, mysterious, glorious and truly sacred! The mystery of their love is worth reflecting on throughout our lives, keeping it fully alive in our hearts. She is an example for every mother and is also an example for all of us who seek to love others with a pure and holy heart.
Reflect, today, upon the holy and captivating relationship that Mary would have shared with her Divine Son. Try to fathom what this love would have been like. Imagine the deep emotion and passion that would have filled her heart. Imagine the level of unwavering commitment she would have had. Imagine the unbreakable bond that was forged as a result of her love. What a beautiful celebration this is to conclude this Octave of Christmas Day!
Dearest Mother Mary, you loved your Divine Son with a perfect love. Your heart burned with an unquenchable fire of motherly charity. Your bond with Jesus was one that was perfect in every way. Help me to open my heart to that same love you share with me. Come be my mother and care for me as you cared for your Son. May I also love you with the love Jesus had for you and with the love He now lavishes upon you in Heaven. Mother Mary, the Mother of God, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.