November 22, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” Lk. 21:1-4
How much is enough to give to God? A little when we can manage it? The same amount we give to others? Ten percent? or maybe more? The story of the poor widow’s offering of her “whole livelihood” calls us to ponder on our attitude and inner disposition in giving to God.
Unlike the rich made the offering to God after taking care of themselves, the poor widow with no wherewithal to make provision for even the bare necessities of life let alone anything else, gave out of her poverty. She entrusted herself to God.
As Christians, we must know that everything we have is a gift from God, and we must offer them back to God, sacrificially, as our gift to Him. The material offering made by this poor widow was two small coins worth very little. The truth is that even if you were the richest person in the world and donated all that you had to God, it would greatly pale in comparison to the gift given to us by our Lord.
As you look at your own life, how willing are you to give everything you have to our Lord for His glory and service? The only appropriate “offering” we are called to give to our Lord is the “sacrifice” of our entire life. This spiritual truth is something very difficult for those who are very wealthy in the things of this world.
Happiness is found in giving /sacrifice. It is found in sacrificial love by which we dedicate everything we are and all that we have to the sole purpose of the glory of God and the furtherment of His Kingdom. Sadly, when one is rich in the things of this world, it is easy to think that offering a portion of their wealth, such as a tithe, means that they can keep and use the rest any way they want. But that’s not true.
Giving of ourselves completely to God and to His service does not necessarily mean that we donate all our money to the Church. But it does mean that we offer everything to God. For many, when this complete offering is done every day, God will lead them to use their material resources for the raising of their family, to take care of their basic needs, and, at times, to even enjoy various comforts in life. But the real question is whether you truly live as though all you have and all you are is God’s and is to be used for His glory and the furtherment of His will.
Reflect, today, upon this poor widow. She was greatly blessed to have very little. This made it easier for her to remain detached from money and other forms of material wealth. And in that detachment, she gave all to God. She entrusted all to Him, and Jesus noticed and praised her. Reflect upon our Lord’s reaction to you and to the offering of your life to Him. If you are holding back from our Lord, then use the witness of this poor widow to inspire you to daily dedicate everything to the service of God in accord with His holy will.
Lord, Your riches are all that matter in life. You bestow the riches of eternal salvation and countless other graces upon those who have given all to You. I do give my life to You, dear Lord. I give all that I have and all that I am. Please receive the offering of my life and use me in accord with Your holy will. Jesus, I trust in You.