November 8, 2020
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” Matthew 25:13
Do we live each day as if we were to meet God at any moment? As Christians, we know that this life is not the end. But we must stay awake and be prepared to meet the Lord, because we do not know the day or the hour of his return.
Imagine if you knew the day and hour you would pass from this life. Of course, some people do know that death is approaching either due to illness or age. But think about this in your own life. What if you were told by Jesus that tomorrow is that day. Are you ready?
Most likely there would be many practical details that would come to mind that you would want to take care of. Many would think about all their loved ones and what impact this would have on them. Set that all aside for now and ponder the question from one perspective only. Are you ready to meet Jesus?
Once you pass from this life there is only one thing that will matter. What will Jesus say to you? Just prior to this quoted Scripture above, Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Some were wise and had oil for their lamps. When the groom came late in the night they were ready with lamps lit to meet him and he welcomed them. The foolish ones were not prepared and did not have oil for their lamps. When the groom came, they missed him and heard the words, “Amen, I say to you, I do not know you” (Matthew 25:12).
The oil in their lamps, or the lack thereof, is a symbol of charity. If we are to be prepared to meet the Lord at any time, on any day, we must have charity in our lives. Charity is much more than a passion or emotion of love. Charity is a radical commitment to love others with the heart of Christ. It’s a daily habit we form by choosing to put others first, offering them all that Jesus asks us to give. It may be a small sacrifice or a heroic act of forgiveness. But whatever the case may be, we need charity in order to be ready to meet our Lord.
Reflect, today, upon those in your life whom God wants you to love. How well do you do this? How complete is your commitment? How far are you willing to go? Whatever comes to mind in regard to your lacking of this gift, pay attention to this and beg the Lord for His grace so that you, too, will be one who is wise and ready to meet the Lord at any time.
Lord, I pray for the supernatural gift of charity in my life. Please fill me with love for others and help me to be abundantly generous in this love. May I hold nothing back and, in so doing, be fully prepared to meet You whenever You call me home. Jesus, I trust in You.