October 20, 2021
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
Jesus said to his disciples: “Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Lk. 12:39-40.
Jesus calls his disciple and all of us in our gospel reference above to be on our guard and be prepare for his coming. The timing is not certain, but that fact remains that He will come. Those who not only believe but are ready to greet him when he comes will be rewarded. Two things stand out: believing and being ready or prepare.
Being on our guard and waiting could be draining and disheartening when we see the growing rate of ungodliness in our society. But we are call not to lose heart but to remind ourselves that remaining faithful to Jesus and being on our guard is worth the effort and time for many reasons.
The first obvious reason is that life for any of us could end at any time. We only need to recall various tragedies in which people have suddenly died from a car accident or from some other unexpected reason. There truly will be a specific moment in time when our Lord does return to earth for the Final Judgment.
That moment will take place in an instant without any warning. It’s easy to presume that this end of the world when our Lord “comes to judge the living and the dead” will not happen for hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years. But the simple truth is that it could be at any time when those who are alive least expect it.
Another important reason to always be on our guard and be ready to meet the Lord for our judgment is even though this will take place in a definitive way at the end of our life when we see our Lord face-to-face, we also encounter Him every day, all day, receiving daily rewards for our fidelity or judgment for our sins. It is useful to see this “hour you do not expect” as every moment of every day. If you can live every day with this ongoing expectation that our Lord is coming to you, today, then every moment can be turned into a moment of much grace.
Think about your day today. Does God want to come to you, to inspire you and to lead you to fulfill His holy mission today? Indeed, He does. He has a specific mission for you today that will not be there tomorrow. He wants you to be aware of His presence right now so that you can respond to Him with much generosity.
Reflect, today, upon the importance of always being vigilant and attentive to God’s presence in your life. He wishes to speak to you, day and night, so as to guide you into a life of true holiness. If you can build a habit of attentiveness to His continual comings, then you will truly be prepared for that final coming when you meet our Lord face-to-face.
Lord, You do come to me day and night, speaking to me, inspiring me, and leading me. Please fill me with the gift of holy vigilance so that I will always be prepared to meet You and hear Your holy voice. May I learn to build a habit of responding to You always. And may I especially be prepared for that glorious moment when I am blessed to see You face-to-face. Jesus, I trust in You.