November 28, 2020
By Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
“Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap.” Luke 21:34-35
On this last day of our liturgical year, our gospel reference reminds us of how easy it can become for us to be lazy in our life of faith. And so, Jesus warns his disciples to be vigilant so that the Day of Judgment does not catch them by surprise like a trap. This gospel reminds us that our hearts can become drowsy from “carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life.” Let’s look at these temptations.
First, we are warned against carousing and drunkenness. This certainly applies on a literal level, meaning, we should obviously avoid abusing drugs and alcohol. But it also applies to numerous other ways that we are made “drowsy” through a lack of temperance.
Abuse of alcohol is only one way of escaping from the burdens of life, but there are many ways we can do this. Pornography and gambling are other ways. Any time we give in to an excess of one sort or another, we begin to let our hearts become drowsy on a spiritual level. Whenever we seek momentary escapes from life without turning to God, we allow ourselves to become spiritually drowsy.
Second, this passage identifies “the anxieties of daily life” as a source of becoming drowsy. So often we do face anxiety in life. At this time I our life with the increasing case of the corona virus and the effect and impact on our daily life and faith faith. We can feel overwhelmed and overly burdened by one thing or another. When we feel burdened by life, we tend to look for a way out. And far too often, the “way out” is something that makes us spiritually drowsy.
Jesus speaks this Gospel as a way of challenging us to remain awake and vigilant in our life of faith. This happens when we keep the truth in our minds and hearts and our eyes on the will of God. The moment we turn our eyes to the burdens of life and fail to see God in the midst of all things, we become spiritually drowsy and begin, in a sense, to fall asleep.
Reflect today as the liturgical year comes to a close, upon the fact that God is calling you to become wide awake. He wants your full attention and He wants you completely sober in your life of faith. Put your eyes on Him and let Him keep you continually prepared for His imminent return.
Lord, I do love You and I desire to love You all the more. Help me to remain wide awake in my life of faith. Help me to keep my eyes on You through all things so that I am always prepared for You when You come to me. Jesus, I trust in You.