To you who have been called by God to be His holy people (1 Cor 1:2)
We read in Jeremiah 1:6, Jeremiah’s response to be a prophet to his people, “I do not know how to speak. I’m too young”. Isn’t that often the way we respond when we sense God is calling us to make a change in our life or to pursue a new direction; we feel we are just not ready to change. Hopefully, we come around to God’s command and walk the path He has set out for us. Sometimes God shuffles a deck in our lives, changes come about and opportunities flourish with the Holy Spirit leading the way. We have been staying at home – keeping a social distance for a very long time and many of us have learned to do more on the Internet than ever before – connecting with one another on ZOOM, attending mass, communicating via Facebook and other social media, emailing more often, shopping on Internet and more.
Without many of us realizing it, God has been giving us a new way to grow in our faith, to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and to share our faith. Once you had to pay a registration fee and travel many miles to obtain fresh teachings and inspiration, hear a favorite speaker, receive healing prayer and more; now you simply have to go onto the Internet to obtain these benefits and more.
The SF Archdiocese Catholic Charismatic Renewal Board will periodically post recommendation of an online experience that we like – most will be free.
Fr. Mark Goring from the Companions of the Cross gives a dynamic overview of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He will bless you. It is available here.
Steubenville “Night Of Hope: featured praise & worship with a keynote presentation by Dr. Scott Hahn and Questions & answers with Fr. Dave Pivonka and team. It was excellent watch here
In 1 John 4, God tells us “Let us love one another because love is of God”. Jesus is always interceding on our behalf. Let us as individuals and community during the next few weeks pray together for the following needs:
- For the speedy contraction of this pandemic.
- For the poor and needy who are suffering disproportionately during this pandemic.
- For the all who are bearing with the heavy burden of persecution, discrimination, lost opportunities and disfavor.
- For the many personal requests sent to our website,, for prayer, healing and God’s intercession in their lives of the needy.
Dcn Ernie von Emster
Associate Liaison & CCR Board Member